Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Snow Birds

Joe and I have somehow turned into ski junkies this month. We have totaled over 100,000 vertical feet, calculated by these fancy pass scanners located at the bottom of each chair lift. Last week we even ended up on the slopes 5 out of the 7 days of the week! Can't say my legs were really functioning that fifth day, but it is always exhilarating be at the top of some of the world's finest mountains. Colorado is still anxiously waiting a decent snow dump. Most resorts are still only operating at around 25-30% of their total capacity. So... Joe and I do a little dance here and there to try an appease the snow Gods.  Despite such a dire need for fresh powder, we are still having the time of our lives. 

This photo is at Keystone, but in the background the slopes
of Breckenridge are visible!


  1. so incredibly jealous right now.

    it looks amazing, emily!! :)

  2. If you ever need a vacation to the Rockies, just let me know!!
