Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Academia Bites

You know you are a full-time student when you:

1. Pair Hamburger Helper with wine for a gourmet Friday night meal.
2. Consider a latte to be a lavish expense, and even a cup of black coffee for that matter, but a $6 pint of beer is justified.
3. Fancy your meals standing over a kitchen counter or hovering over your laptop.
4. Emptying out the dishwasher becomes a major time suck.
5. Can't keep enough junk food in the house to supply late study snacking and thus, culinary creations are born (such as Pop tarts dressed in Hershey's syrup for a sweet fix)!
6. Ramen noodles become as versatile as spaghetti noodles, mixing them with peanut butter or marinara sauce for a novel take on an old college goodie.
7. Don't mind a dirty microwave caked in God-only-knows-what.
8. You cook gigantic amounts of food whenever making a recipe so that there are leftovers ready during busy days.
9. Eat to procrastinate doing homework.
10. Day dream about the fabulous kitchen you will have someday and all of the fabulous food you will make in it as your are eating all of the ambiguous "food" above...

... that is if you get lucky enough to land a job that actually pays you back of course :D

Now, back to work!

1 comment:

  1. it's like you spent a week observing my life...! holy cow SO TRUE :)
